Is there anybody out there?
Everything that happens really happens in our own mind. Our perception is our reality. Is there more to life than our senses? What if what we perceive is not real? When I was growing up, my Sunday School had embedded deep fear into me concerning the afterlife, i.e. HELL. Now, if you misbehaved and did not obey GOD, you would end up in HELL. That little trauma had a big impact on most of my life and that FEAR would drive and motivate all my decisions and actions, mostly to my detriment. Of course looking back, the rationale was clear - the church needed to control me in order to derive my obedience, time and effort in its service. A insidious plan that all religions have oppressed mankind with. But remember that religion is man-made and absent of GOD. Again, your perception of GOD will then determine whether you are free of human machinations or subject to its rules and regulations. Freedom is what I prize most. Freedom from FEAR mainly. My perception of GOD was shaped early by the church but thankfully I have broken the chains of religion. Then, of course, there are the constraints that society places on us as well. But that is for a later sharing. Be yourself. Free your mind.
… still there’s more …